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Getting Clever with Caddy and Conduwuit / Matrix

A deep dive into's Caddy configuration, handling Matrix federation, offering profile and room redirection shortlinks, and combining multiple services on a single domain.

My post earlier this evening discussed generally how Caddy has made self-hosting multiple web services a breeze. Here I want to build on that and look specifically at the Caddy configuration I use for, the public Matrix homeserver I run and have posted about already.

The complete Caddyfile entry is available here. Let's look closer at a few key sections. First, you'll see a series of redirection handlers like this:

    handle /about {
        redir permanent

This one simply redirects to . This allows me to create authoritative "About" URL on the domain but host the actual page here on my blog – saving me having to host a whole separate CMS just for, and potentially lending credibility to through my professional online presence here.

Next, you'll see some more redirection handlers that rely on regular expressions ("regex"):

    # Handle Matrix-style room redirects
    @matrix_local_room {
        path_regexp ^/@@([^:]+)$
    redir @matrix_local_room{re.1} permanent

    # Handle Matrix-style room redirects with custom domains
    @matrix_remote_room {
        path_regexp ^/@@([^:]+):([^/]+)$
    redir @matrix_remote_room{re.1}:{re.2} permanent

    # Handle Matrix-style user redirects
    @matrix_local_user {
        path_regexp ^/@([^:]+)$
    redir @matrix_local_user{re.1} permanent

    # Handle Matrix-style user redirects with custom domains
    @matrix_remote_user {
        path_regexp ^/@([^:]+):([^/]+)$
    redir @matrix_remote_user{re.1}:{re.2} permanent

These are particularly efficient—they allow for much shorter links for Matrix rooms and user profiles that redirect to the service. For example:

Next you'll see the handlers for the actual underlying services, Conduwuit and Element:

    # Handle Conduwuit homeserver
    handle /_matrix/* {
        reverse_proxy localhost:8448

    # Handle federation
    handle /.well-known/matrix/server {
        header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
        header Content-Type "application/json"
        respond `{"m.server": ""}`

    # Handle client discovery
    handle /.well-known/matrix/client {
        header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
        header Content-Type "application/json"
        respond `{
            "m.homeserver": {"base_url": ""},
            "org.matrix.msc3575.proxy": {"url": ""}

    # Handle MSC1929 Admin Contact Information
    handle /.well-known/matrix/support {
        header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
        header Content-Type "application/json"
        respond `{
            "contacts": [
                    "matrix_id": "",
                    "email_address": "[email protected]",
                    "role": "m.role.admin"
            "support_page": ""

    # Handle Element webUI
    handle {
        reverse_proxy localhost:8637

This part of the Caddy configuration block:

  • serves up the actual Matrix homeserver (powered by conduwuit) at
  • provides the necessary endpoints for federation
  • provides the MSC1929 endpoint for handling abuse reports, etc.
  • serves up an Element web interface for accessing the Matrix homeserver directly at

I hope some of this is useful for folks running their own Matrix homeservers or anyone interested in seeing how Caddy configurations can be structured for more complex setups.
